Valken Pods "Flick Lid" 140 RD Paint Tube

SKU: Pods - Valken "Flick Lid" 140 RD Paint Tube


Valken paintball pods are durable and affordable 140 round pods with a flip lid that snaps shut securely and smooth sides to fit in any paintball pack or harness. Don't mistake Valken Flick Lid paintball pods for cheap paintball pods - these top quality pods insert and drop out of any paintball harness or pack easily, and clean quickly after use! Time to pod up and hit the field!
  • Capacity: 140 rounds
  • Lid: Spring loaded flip
  • Colors: Assorted

Ratings & Reviews

5 Reviews

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Fred D. - | 11/16/2016 11:50 am

I like how you can flick the top open, makes it very easy but secure at the same time so paint doesn't just spill out.

Quailty,duribility, and value

GR - | 1/18/2017 4:03 am

Used these pods for an entire season without any problems. None of the lids broke, none of the pods got cracked. Lids can be opened easily with one hand or a finger, yet strong enough of a hold no to dump paint everywhere. Great pod for the money.

Can't ask for much more

Dan| 2/21/2017 3:56 pm

They're pods. They work.


Poddy McPoderson| 2/28/2017 3:55 pm

PodpodsPodspodPODSpodpodPod's ..Pods


THE STAR PLAYER| 6/20/2017 12:37 pm

I these pods they close so nicely and nver slip. I am always sliping my paintball but never with valken.