Duke Defence Pepper Storm Throwable Device Kit

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SKU: Grenade - Duke Pepper Storm Kit

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The Duke Pepper Storm throwable pepper grenade is filled with the Duke Defence world-beating pepper powder, and the unit also packs a serious sonic punch of approximately 130dB! The Duke Defence Pepper Storm device features a 5 meter (approx 15 foot) pepper dispersion 360 degrees around the blast point. The Pepper Storm also has a significant hang-time of the pepper, so that it affects even the toughest targets in the vicinity. This throwable pepper grenade is powered by a 12gram CO2 cartridge and boasts no permanent hearing or other damage to a target, disperses no shrapnel and is not a fire risk, making this device ideal for less-than-lethal deterrent and compliance applications. Best of all, the core of the Duke Pepper Storm device is reusable, with refill kits available!

Contains 35g of Duke Defence Irritant Powder including 5% major capsaicinoids and 96% pure OC.

The Duke Defence Pepper Storm pepper grenade is drop-safe with the safety pin and military-grade pressure spring preventing any accidental detonations. The Duke Defence range of throwables contain no harmful chemicals, no primers and no thermal reactions, so there is no fire or explosive hazard, which makes them intrinsically safe. The throwables do not fall under the international explosives acts, so they are totally legal to use in a self-defence situation.
The Pepper Storm kit from Duke Defence comes standard with a fully re-usable core inside a pre-packed plastic shell. Just pull the pin, thump the depressible head and throw it in the direction of the intended target. Once the device has been used, pick up the spent parts, wash off any debris and leave to dry. The core is now ready to be re-used.
Included with Duke Defence Pepper Storm Throwable Device Kit
1 x Pre-Filled Plastic Bottle + Cap 1 x CO2 Canister Holder
1 x Tension Spring 1 x Centre Ring
1 x 12g CO2 Canister
1 x Safety Clip
1 x Firing Head
Intended Uses of Duke Defence Throwable devices:
01 Room Penetration The throwable does not burn any of the oxygen in a room, making it safer than traditional teargas with primers and long burning content.
02 Vehicle Penetration Sonic volume is loud enough to distract targets, but with no permanent hearing damage.
03 Urban Riot Control The Pepper Storm has a 4-5 seconds delay, leaving the target no time to escape or neutralize the device.
04 Correctional Facilities Small enough burst for use in prisoner cells, with no permanent damage to eyes or ears, minimal cross contamination, no shrapnel, no fire risk.
05 Training The cores can be re-used with or without active ingredients, making them ideal and very cost effective for training purposes.
06 Sensory Incapacitation By infiltrating the sensory system of an assailant, the capsaicin powder (included with Duke Defence Pepper Storm throwable kit) incapacitates an assailant for up to 20 minutes.
  • Duke Defence throwable pepper dispersal and sound disorientation device
  • Reusable core
  • Powered by single 12gram CO2 cartridge
  • 130dB sound delivery on detonation
  • Disperses pepper powder in 5meter (15 foot) spread 360 degrees around device on detonation
  • Contains 35g of Duke Pepper Powder
  • No explosives, no risk of fire
  • Ideal for less-than-lethal compliance, deterrent, area denial and riot-control applications
  • Simple to use, simple to reload
  • Safe for transport & storage

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